Monday 10 June 2013

An open letter to the provincial government from Bill Cummings - 3 p.m. - June 10

Good afternoon;

The above named housing co-operatives stand united in opposition to the proposed change in funding and structure to their current living assistance program. 
As the son of one of the residents I know first hand how much interaction is needed, and how well the current AHS block funding non-profit system works. Currently the system that is in place runs smoothly and efficiently to provide these people with help at home, their homes, and their lives, the Alberta Government has decided that these people no longer have the right to choose whom it is that enters their homes, handles themselves physically, and is bent on "consolidating" such services to an agency for profit. I would like to make a couple of points here:

a. Why is the Alberta Government meddling in these people's personal lives and taking what little control they have away from them? The current system is effective, comfortable, and runs very smoothly.
b. If any one of you, were in these people's shoes, wouldn't you want to have some control of who enters your home, of who is helping you on a physical level, and who you are to trust?
c. The current system in place runs within budget, and there is no real benefit to this change other than some political corporate dealings.

I realize that the government enjoys controlling any and every aspect of our lives, but again I ask you, if you where in these residents shoes, which system would you rather have, do they not deserve some control, some dignity. This government has a track record of mis-spending, and running down Alberta's surplus. Making a decision that affects people who have suffered different degrees of disabilities is not going to correct, or replace mislaid funds. This action is set to take place August 1st, 2013. This is not going to go unnoticed, and as the date draws nearer, more and more opposing actions will be taken including making this whole situation as public as possible, so I ask you to do what you can to stop, and reverse this action that applies to 25 disabled Albertans.

I would like a response to this letter, including where you stand on this situation, and what you can offer to help correct it.

I remain,

Bill Cummings

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