I am a very
last-minute guy.
So, for many
years I would call my mother on the Friday before Mother’s Day and asked what
she would like — or, where she would like to go for brunch.
I got the same
answer every year until 2008 when she passed away.
“Just be nice to
me for the entire day,” she said. (I thought I was always nice to her.)
“I don’t need anything. And come to our place for brunch. What would you like me to make you?”
“I don’t need anything. And come to our place for brunch. What would you like me to make you?”
That was my Mom:
always thinking of others, even on a day that was hers.
So there’s no
doubt Mom would be thrilled with the idea from Changing Together — a Centre for
Immigrant Women. The Edmonton-based agency that helps new immigrant women get
settled in Alberta’s capital city.
“By giving to
our organization they can share the experience with another Mother and help
someone in need,” says vice-chair Changing Together’s vice-chair Karen
Here’s the
drill: choose something your mom might think would really help someone and give
it to Changing Together in you're her name.
Need some
suggestions? Thought you would never ask.
A press release sent
out earlier this week include:
A cab ride to safety for a woman and her children from an abusive family
English and computer training to increase confidence and employability
$250 =
Crisis intervention, counselling, advocacy and court assistance
= Comprehensive education and family services programs for Edmonton immigrant
most popular gift has been $100 from people. That will pay for computer,
language or settlement training for someone.
Karen says the
idea for the campaign came from a friend of hers who works at the Youth
Emergency Shelter. The original idea was “Adopt A Mom” which was a perfect fit
for Mother’s Day.
Visit the Changing Together website and look for the Click To Donate button and follow
the instructions. Or, you can call Karen at 780-242-8559.
Sunday is all
about remembering Mom. Karen remembers the proudest gift she gave her mother on
Mother’s Day: ticket’s to see Little Women at the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton.
“My sister and I
took my Mom. It felt great to share a common experience,” she says in an e-mail.
Just like the
Mother’s Day idea for Changing Together.